Care they need, love they deserve.
Since 2019, has been dedicated to caring for and promoting the rights of animals through numerous initiatives. Our main goal is to educate and improve the treatment of animals around the world. Animal rescue in Dhaka. Dog Rescue in Dhaka
About Animal Haven
As a leading Animal Welfare Organization, our projects and campaigns are recognized around the world. We work to unite people of all ages and backgrounds who share in the belief of a world where animals are free from cruel and inhumane treatment. Animal Haven is run by members for its members, offering a united, amplified voice for all who join our community.
Our Initiatives
Animal Haven focuses on bringing a positive change to animal welfare in a variety of ways. Our work is inspired by the support and commitment of our community members who share in the belief that people and nature thrive through coexistence.
Helping Those in Need
They need care
Reinforcing Our Commitment
Proper Treatment
View Gallery
There may be no better way to communicate what we do than through images. As you browse our site, take a few moments to let your eyes linger here, and see if you can get a feel for our signature touch.
Contact Us
Pollobi, Mirpur-12 Alauddi gorurhat , block M, road 36, plot 26, Mirpur, Bangladesh
Opening Hours
8:00 am – 9.00 pm